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Chauvet fixtures installed at Tabernacle of Praise International church
On Sunday January 27, live streamed services from Georgia’s Tabernacle of Praise International were broadcast using a new lighting system for the first time. The refurbishment of the church’s broadcast lighting actually had begun two years earlier, when LD Brad Lyons had the 24 aging incandescent fixtures over the church’s stage replaced with 14 Chauvet Professional Ovation E-190WW LED ellipsoidal units, supplied by dB Integrations.
“The new lighting system was really Phase Two of a step-by-step plan,” says Lyons. “Like many churches, we had to do a lot of AV upgrading in recent years, first to get to LED stage lighting, and then to create a true broadcast worthy system. This often requires churches to do a balancing act, weighing the cost of these upgrades with the other needs of their ministry. In our case, as in many other cases, the best way to achieve this balance is often with a phase-in approach.”
Like Phase One of the Tabernacle of Praise lighting upgrade, Phase Two was anchored by Chauvet Professional Ovation fixtures. The new lighting is positioned on three truss structures: a 50’ long line of box truss located 30’ from the stage, flanked on either side by a 30’ section that is 20’ from the stage. Using a mix of new fixtures and LED units from the previous Phase 1 rig, Lyons is able to deliver an even field of warm white and richly colored light.
Tabernacle of Praise used Trusst CT290-430S 9.84’ box truss to have the 50’ line of truss installed across the stage. Lyons installed 20 Ovation E-190WW ellipsoidal fixtures for front key lighting on this truss. Joining the ellipsoidal units on the center truss structure were three Ovation F-165WW Fresnel fixtures. Additional Ovation F-165WW Fresnels were hung one apiece on the side truss structures to provide key lighting to the front corners of the stage for broadcasts.
In addition to the Ovation luminaires, the Tabernacle of Praise rig includes four Rogue R2 Spot fixtures and six Q-Wash 560Z movers (from the earlier rig) that are flown on the center and side truss structures and are used to focus on different band members, as well as to create special concert looks on the walls and ceiling. The Q-Wash fixtures serve added duty, being turned around toward the congregation to provide additional fill lighting for broadcasts.
Rounding out the rig are six Colorado 1-Tri Tour units, as well as Chauvet DJ SlimPAR Quad 12 IRC and SlimPAR Tri 12 IRC units for colorizing the stage - plus six Intimidator Spot 355Z IRC moving fixtures positioned three apiece on the side truss structures for side lighting and specials.
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