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Chauvet fixtures chosen for Parker McCollum’s House of Blues shows
In December 2018, American country singer Parker McCollum performed for sold-out crowds at the House of Blues in Dallas and Houston. Supporting him at those shows was a lightshow designed by Richard “Wookie” Whitley and Josh Peikert that featured a collection of Chauvet Professional fixtures, supplied by Hoopty Lights.
Run by lighting director Jarret Reynolds, the lightshow for McCollum’s Dallas and Houston performances was on five 45” x 30” carts, three of which were 4.5’ tall, while two were 6.5’. A pair of Rogue RH1 Hybrids was mounted on the top of each cart. The taller carts also had two Rogue R2 Wash fixtures under the Hybrid units and Strike 4 multi-formatted fixtures attached to each of their sides.
Positioned behind the drum and keyboard risers, the taller carts allowed light from the Rogue and Strike units to be shot over the performers on stage. All three of the shorter carts, which were arranged with the drum and keyboard risers across the upstage deck, had Nexus 4 x 4 panels positioned on them. The center cart had four panels configured in a square, while the two outer carts had two panels side by side.
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