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Robe Pointes for Fey’s ‘Desnuda’ tour

Robe Pointes for Fey’s ‘Desnuda’ tour
Robe Pointes for Fey’s ‘Desnuda’ tour

Lighting designer Pablo Gutierrez utilized 52 x of Robe’s Pointe multi-functional moving lights at the core of his lighting design for the launch of Mexican singer Fey’s new ‘Desnuda’ (Nude) tour. The tour kicked off at the 18,000 capacity Arena Ciudad de México (Mexico City Arena) in 2018.


The design had to be scalable for an arena tour which followed in 2019 and for potential festival appearances. For the Arena Ciudad de México gig, audio, lighting, staging and all aspects of technical production - including video from La Catrina Films and rigging from TYM Riggers - were managed by Live Entertainment, a company Pablo Gutierrez runs together with Soho Avila, who was this show’s production manager.


The Pointes were arranged on a series of six trusses above the stage forming a trapezoidal shape - wider at the top. Each of these trusses moved in and out individually on an automation system. “Fey wanted to reflect a strong sense of female empowerment in the show and the overall production,” Gutierrez explains, which gave him the inspiration for the shape.


Its geometry contrasted with the rectangular lines of the five large LED video surfaces onstage, and when in the ‘home’ position, the lowest of the six trusses was trimmed just above the top of the central video screen, so the shape radiated out downstage from there. Naturally Gutierrez also had a bunch of other lights on the stage in multiple positions, but his Pointes were the visual centerpiece.


The video screen design ensured that Fey was right at the heart of the performance, together with the playback footage directed by Antonia Roma and the live camera direction of Jorge Olvera. Once the video screen layout was in place, the lighting positions became relatively obvious. In fact, while the overall stage design underwent some revisions, the lighting elements of it stayed the same as Gutierrez’ first drawing.


The bank of Pointes also provided essential key and front wash lighting for the acoustic section of the set which was performed on the B stage, located immediately behind the FOH riser at the back of the arena. Gutierrez used the Pointes - which were supplied by locally based rental company Pro3 to the production - as both a spot and a beam fixture and created some laser simulation looks that combined with the real lasers on the show, four Kvant Spectrum 30s.


The challenge with this first ‘Desnuda’ tour show was the programming time which was under pressure. While they had the music for some time beforehand and could program a reasonable amount of lighting in pre-vis, the video content - a major element of the show aesthetic - was only received a few days before the gig. The first song alone contained 120 cues, and the rest were similar in complexity.


(Photos: Louise Stickland)





Robe Pointes for Fey’s ‘Desnuda’ tourRobe Pointes for Fey’s ‘Desnuda’ tour

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