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Corona: DAS Audio operations suspended

Corona: DAS Audio operations suspended

From the 30th of March, the staff at Valencia, Spain-based DAS Audio will continue to work remotely from their homes, due to the latest measures adopted by the Spanish authorities regarding Covid-19. DAS Audio’s operations in Spain are suspended with immediate effect from March 30, 2020 until April 14, 2020 (by Law). The staff can be reached by phone, e-mail and video-call platforms.


Here's a message from the DAS Audio headquarter: “These are challenging times, but the priorities are clear. People are our number one priority. Our industry only makes sense if the people at the other end can listen, dance, sing, laugh, hug or feel. Now it’s time to take care of our loved ones, colleagues, and friends. Now our work begins by looking after each other. We will have time to reorganize our businesses and make plans together to overcome this extraordinary situation.”




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