Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen

Contour deploys VUE system in Denver-area Rise Nation climbing gyms

Contour deploys VUE system in Denver-area Rise Nation climbing gyms
Contour deploys VUE system in Denver-area Rise Nation climbing gyms

Founded by Los Angeles personal trainer Jason Walsh, Rise Nation is the latest entrant in the rapidly growing group fitness category. Centered around upright Versaclimb equipment, each Rise Nation is equal parts climbing gym and nightclub with geometric custom-lit ceiling installations and soundtracks.


Rise Nation selected Denver-area-based Contour Audio & Acoustics to outfit both of the brand’s Denver locations with all-VUE systems centered around the architectural E-Class system.


While the location in Cherry Creek allowed for unlimited SPL, the second location in the Highlands neighborhood had restrictions associated with the mixed-use complex in which it is located.


“The E-351 is capable of kicking out 118 db from a 5” enclosure which made it the perfect choice for the tight space and the desired club-like experience the client wanted to deliver,” says Ryan Balentine, Contour CEO.


The Cherry Creek gym is configured in a baseball-diamond configuration with the instructor in the corner behind home plate and 34 climbing machines arranged in arched rows. The ceiling is a suspended deck with intelligent custom LED tiling sub hung from it. All walls are double 5/8” gypsum board with green glue; the walls to the left and right of the instructor are covered with mirrors.


For the Cherry Creek location, the all-VUE system included 12x E-351 architectural elements and 2x i-6 full-range loudspeakers powered by 1x v242 VUEDrive Systems Engine designed specifically for the E-Class. Two IS-15a subs provided more than enough low-end support.




Contour deploys VUE system in Denver-area Rise Nation climbing gymsContour deploys VUE system in Denver-area Rise Nation climbing gyms

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