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Corona: Red Rocks Church uses Chauvet fixtures for livestreamed Easter service

Corona: Red Rocks Church uses Chauvet fixtures for livestreamed Easter service
Corona: Red Rocks Church uses Chauvet fixtures for livestreamed Easter service

John Clark, the Production Ministry Lead at Red Rocks Church in Littleton, Colorado, has had to explore new ways of doing things now that worship services have moved completely online. On Easter, he created a visual setting for Red Rocks’ online service that was, at once, powerfully moving, yet warm and intimate enough to engage viewers through sometimes small, mobile screens. Livestreamed on Living as One and featuring a 50-member “virtual choir”, the service was illuminated by a rig that featured Chauvet Professional Colorado, Ovation and Rogue fixtures.


“I like to think of challenges as opportunities,” says Clark. “Lighting a completely streamed or online service definitely changes the game. A fair amount of principles stay the same, but by and large LDs are called upon to ‘throw out the playbook’ and start from scratch. The services we’re lighting today don’t involve a full auditorium where you’re tossing lights around to wow the crowd. Lighting an online service requires a new degree of intentionality. Basically, you’re only as good as it looks on camera. This is not really about how many affects you can run, it’s about how well you can light your subject and set.”


Key to helping Clark create an engaging look on camera are the 15 Colorado Panel Q40 fixtures in his rig. More than half of the RGBW rectangular wash lights were arranged on stage pipes and used to bring the large video screen into the overall presentation on stage. Adding to the depth of the Easter livestream was the presence of extra video cameras. On a typical Sunday, Red Rocks uses five or six cameras, but for the Easter service the church had two extra positions.


For Key lighting, Clark and his team used eight Ovation E- 910FC color rendering ellipsoidals. “We keep the programming system simple for key light with one preset for the pastor and another for the worship leader,” Clark explains. “The preset for worship has a little less output than the pastor preset because there is generally more fill and scenic fixtures that are on during worship. Rogue RH1 Hybrids positioned on overhead truss provided fill lighting and accented moments during the Easter service with special effects. Adding to the overall impact of the service were the synced choir videos on the center stage wall.




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