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Corona: Madlife Stage & Studio in Georgia hosts live events with Elation

Corona: Madlife Stage & Studio in Georgia hosts live events with Elation

Madlife Stage & Studio, a 284-capacity live music venue and recording studio in Woodstock, Georgia, which like other live venues in the U.S. was forced to close earlier in the year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, got the chance to reopen in late July.


“Madlife reopened at half capacity as one of the few places around holding live events”, says local lighting designer Caleb McClesky, who often helps at the venue, supporting house LD Brendon Rosenbaum and frequently supplementing the house rig with his own Elation lighting gear. “Patrons have to sit at tables so everyone is socially distanced. Staff is required to wear masks and the venue is sanitized between shows.”


Madlife’s permanent lighting rig includes Elation Colour Pendants, color-changing LED wash light pendants used for full-venue atmosphere changes, along with other lighting gear and Antari hazers.


For some bands, McClesky adds his own Platinum Spot 5R Pro and Platinum Spot III moving heads to the mix. “We usually place the Platinum Spot 5R Pros on stage for backlighting and side lighting”, he says. “The Platinum Spot IIIs we have at the corners of the stage for punch effects or we can dim them back for slower songs.”




Corona: Madlife Stage & Studio in Georgia hosts live events with ElationCorona: Madlife Stage & Studio in Georgia hosts live events with Elation

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