Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen
Elation upgrade for German water tower
The Cineplex Cinetower Kinopark - sitting at the base of the nearly 40-meter high historic water tower in Alsdorf, Germany - offers more than 1,600 seats across nine theatres as well as the Zwei Brüder restaurant, a new kind of cinema and leisure experience all at the same location.
The water tower recently received a dynamic nighttime illumination courtesy of Elation Professional luminaires specified and installed by APA Showtechnik of Belgium. APA Showtechnik created a design, specified the lights and completed the installation. Chosen to light the tower’s tall brick column and bulbous steel top were Proteus Smarty Hybrid, Paladin Panel, and WW Profile HP IP fixtures, all IP65-rated luminaires, which is important as the lights will be exposed 365 days a year.
The fixtures are positioned in three separate groups on the roof of the cinema/restaurant - one of each fixture per group. The Paladin Panel is used as a washlight to lay down ground color, while the Proteus Smarty Hybrids overlay graphics onto the column and project logos onto the top. The WW Profiles, ellipsoidal spot fixtures that support B-size metal or HT transparency gobos, are fitted with a gobo of the Cineplex logo that is projected onto the wall at the base of the structure.
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