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ROE Visual products feature on ESC 2021
When canceling the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in 2020 due to the Corona crisis, it proved possible to transfer the initial creative vision to the design for ESC 2021.
Host broadcasters NPO, NOS, Avrotros, producing the event on behalf of the European Broadcasting Union EBU, continued to involve all parties initially engaged in the 2020 edition. With Faber Audiovisuals appointed as ESC’s Official Technical Supplier for Video, this also meant the green light for ROE Visual as Faber is one of ROE Visual’s largest customers on the European continent.
For the event, Faber Audiovisuals selected both new and existing products from ROE Visual. The complete video set comprises 600 sqm Black Quartz LED panels, 415 Black Marble LED floor panels, and 110 sqm Vanish V8 transparent LED.
The whole video system ran on four 4K Helios processors and three eV4 processors. An Omnis monitoring system kept the system in check, including the backup processors and 23 C24 smart PSUs. Technical Director for ROE Visual, Victor Kortekaas, and Steve Ackein and Ben Augenbroe, both responsible for video on behalf of Faber Audiovisuals, kept close contact to guarantee the systems ran smoothly.
During the semi-finals on May 18 and 20 and the Grand final on May 22, the ROE Visual LED panels could be seen in action both on stage and above the stage.
(Photos: Nathan Reinds)
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