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ROE Visual Ruby LED panels presented at Hibino Open House

ROE Visual Ruby LED panels presented at Hibino Open House
ROE Visual Ruby LED panels presented at Hibino Open House

Hibino’s dedicated VFX studio kicked off successfully during the Open House days from 2-4 June. The VFX studio, built in partnership with ROE Visual, creates an opportunity to work with virtual production techniques for Japan-based filmmakers and producers.


Attracting numerous producers and directors working for broadcast stations, streaming services, and films to participate in the open house days proved to be a platform to showcase the studio’s capabilities. Hibino will receive customers from July 1 onwards in the new studio.


Hibino intends to maximize the potential of in-camera VFX in Japan by setting up more completely equipped studios in several locations in Japan. The company believes that this is a good incentive for other companies to familiarize themselves with in-camera VFX technology, offering an actual shooting experience in the studio. ROE Visual’s new Ruby RB1.5F LED panel and the Carbon CB5 were selected for the studio in Tokyo.


Pictured (left to right): Jason Lu, Junichi Imokawa, Grace Kuo. (Photos: ROE Visual/Hibino)




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