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Green Hippo Media Servers drive LED walls at Kansas City International Airport
Kansas City’s new International Airport terminal has opened with a focus on traveller experience, offering a technology-rich terminal with LED walls driven by TVOne’s Green Hippo Media Servers. The 39-gate single terminal is billed as the largest single infrastructure project in Kansas City’s history.
The ticketing area features an LED wall that spans the entire counter space, standing at more than 38,000 pixels wide and 480 pixels tall. The LED wall displays key information and branded airline content. A smaller LED wall is located in the arrivals area at the information desk. Three Green Hippo Boreal+ MK2 Media Servers drive all of the visual content, with one primary Boreal+ MK2 and one backup for the ticket counter wall and another for the arrivals screen.
Experiential technology firm Dimensional Innovations was contracted to deliver the content and install the system. It was their first time using Green Hippo in an installation. The content for the displays was created by the video production team at Dimensional Innovations, and there is also airline-provided content in the mix. In addition to looping branded airline content, status messages appear above each ticket counter to direct travellers to specific areas of service. Each airline has custom content that runs behind its ticket counter space. Dimensional Innovations was also tasked with developing a content management system that would allow the airport and airlines to alter the display information in real time.
“There are custom status messages that the airlines can change at any time using our specially created cloud-hosted content management system”, says Chris Riebschlager, Director of Creative Technology at Dimensional Innovations. “We used the TouchDesigner plugin to render these status messages as a web page, which is then sliced up with Hippotizer VideoMapper and placed in each mix. Additionally, the airlines can trigger different presets in Hippotizer via this content management system. A locally hosted web service relays these content management system changes to Hippotizer over the Rest API interface.”
The main content runs on a loop and is essentially on autopilot. “It’s a stunning accent to Kansas City’s beautiful new airport terminal,” adds Riebschlager. “All the planned functionality was able to be completed using already existing features of Hippotizer.” Dimensional Innovations’ Patrick McMahon served as Producer on the project, Devin Kelly-Collins as Developer, Dexter Brewer as Motion Designer and Emilio Servigon as UI/UX Designer. Kansas City International Airport officially opened on February 28, 2023.
(Photos: Dimensional Innovations)
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