Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen
Helsinki Music Centre makes first investment in Robert Juliat Arthur LT followspots
The Helsinki Music Center (Musiikkitalo Helsinki) in Finland has just invested in its first Robert Juliat followspots - four long-throw 800 W LED Arthur LT - for its main concert hall. The followspots were sourced through Intersonic, Robert Juliat’s distributor for Finland.
Valo Virtanen, the venue’s Head of Light, says he had spent a long time comparing followspots and, as soon as he saw it, requested the new 800 W LED Robert Juliat spot for testing from Intersonic. “We made some serious tests together with sound engineers and camera teams; our second Head of Light, Tuukka Aimasmäki, made a DMX profile for our lighting console and took light quality measurements”, explains Virtanen. “The tests went very well so we ordered the spots.”
Musiikkitalo’s audience is seated in-the-round, so 360° coverage is needed. The four Arthurs are therefore positioned evenly around the lighting gallery that surrounds hall high above audience. “We also bought tripods as a safety measure but installed the Arthurs on the gallery’s rail pipes with followspot rail mount adapters to get a bit better coverage in the tight locations”, says Virtanen.
The throw distances vary from 20 m to 50 m. The Arthurs are being used in Silent mode, “which reduces the brightness by about twenty percent, but they are still absolutely bright enough”, as Virtanen puts it. Telrad Reflex Sight Finders were also purchased for each Arthur LT.
The first production for the new Arthur LTs was the Aurora Orchestra’s opera “The Rite of Spring” lit by television lighting designer David Bishop and broadcast live using eighteen television cameras. Classical television broadcasts with a variety of soloists from Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Helsinki Baroq Orchestra, followed along with pop concerts from artists like Pandora, Samuli Edelmann and Rajaton, and galas from the RSO Christmas special to many special themed concerts by Vantaa Pops.
(Photos: Helsinki Music Center/Tuukka Aimasmäki/Arno de la Chapelle/Leif Vare)
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